Friday, December 28, 2007

Unexpected Elements of Love by Kate Legge

I picked this book up after seeing it listed as one of the great books set in Victoria on The Summer Read list from the State Library this year. It is a novel about love and family and provides an insight into the lives of two women, Beth and Janet, and their extended families. Janet is a working wife and mother, torn between the demands of her work as a weather presenter and her anxious, unpredictable son, Harry. After 50 years of marriage, Beth is coping with warning signs of dementia in her husband, a famous sculptor facing the end of his career. This novel concentrates on the details of domestic life and relationships within the broader setting of the Australian climate.

---- Reviewed by Sue, Knox Library

1 comment:

wendy coysh said...

What an absolutely wonderful book. It had me hooked right from the first page, a very true account of people getting older and becoming invisible, and the worries of a working mother trying to be everything for everybody. I thoroughly enjoyed it and it did make me cry, which is the true value to me of a wonderful book. I hope you write more Kate Legge.