Friday, July 25, 2008

Mr Darcy’s Diary by Maya Slater

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Genre - General fiction

If you have read Pride and Prejudice then hopefully you would enjoy the story from Mr Darcy’s point of view as told by Maya Slater. Mr Darcy’s Diary follows the same time period as Pride and Prejudice but is told in the form of diary entries written by Mr Darcy. At different times throughout the story bits of text from Pride and Prejudice appear, such as in conversations between characters. It is suggested by Maya Slater through these entries that the reader can see how and why Mr Darcy acts the way he does, what influences him and has his attentions. Maya Slater has used other historically well known people that the Darcy family would have known as other characters within the story. An example of this is Lord Byron who in the story is a good friend of both Mr Darcy and Mr Bingley. The book has an Editor’s note about a desk and what was found in the desk. It turned out that Jane Austen was somehow connected with the country estate that the desk had been at. Found in the desk, in a hidden compartment was a diary that was similar to the story of Pride and Prejudice. What or how true the connections maybe it is fun to speculate. I found it to be a great read and thoroughly enjoyed the story as presented.

---- Reviewed by Sarah, Croydon

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